3D Scanning
As part of the SHELL, METIL has 3D scanning capabilities to perform high resolution scans of physical objects, including faces. These scans are capable of achieving fine detail that allows for realistic geometry. This enables the creation of medically accurate 3D assets to be used in a variety of ways, including anatomical virtual models and rapid creation of virtual patient avatars that match standardized patient actors. Additionally, METIL has a capability and workflow to take DICOM imagery and generate near real-time volumetric models in multiple formats (including mobile-ready).
3D Scanning: Photogrammetry
As part of the SHELL, METIL has 3D scanning capabilities using photography to capture the surface geometry as well as the textural detail of an object all at once. This enables the creation of medically accurate surface detail as well as geometry.
Motion Capture
As part of the SHELL, METIL has a motion capture setup that uses minimal studio space and does not require suits or markers. Using our implementation, we have reduced equipment and process costs by a factor of six.
As part of the SHELL, METIL has the ability to capture lip syncing animations without the need for markers or an expensive motion capture setup.