
Books and Chapters

Lazzara, E., Salas, E., Metcalf, D., Graffeo, C., Weaver, S., Heyne, K., & Kramer, W. (2010). Translating science into practice: Developing a decision making training tool. In Schmorrow, D. & Nicholson, D. (Eds.), Advances in Cross-Cultural Decision Making. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Metcalf, D., Graffeo, C., & Read, L. (in press). Fundamental Design Elements of Pervasive Games for Blended Learning. In Kitchenham, A. (Ed.), Blended and Mobile Learning across Disciplines: Models for Implementation. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Metcalf, D., Raasch, S. & Graffeo, C. (2010). DAU CardSim: Paper prototyping an acquisitions card game. In Cannon-Bowers, J. & Bowers, C. (Eds.), Serious game design and development: Technologies for training and learning. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Fiore, S., Metcalf, D.S. & McDaniel, R. (2007). "Theoretical foundations of experiential learning." The Handbook of Experiential Learning. Ed. Mel Silberman. San Francisco: Pfieffer.
Metcalf, D.S. (2006). mLearning: Mobile Learning and Performance in the Palm of your Hand Amherst, MA: HRD Press.
Bielawski, Larry, and David Metcalf. (2005). Blended ELearning: Integrating Knowledge, Performance, Support, and Online Learning. Amherst, MA: HRD Press.


Lazzara, E., Weaver, S., Graffeo, C., Metcalf, D., & Salas, E. (in press). Developing a tool to enhance decision making skills in the PMESII typology. In Proceedings of the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC) 2010. Orlando, FL.
Metcalf, D., & Rogers, D. (2010). Contextual learning and memory retention: The use of near field communications, QR codes, QBIC, and the spacing effect in location based learning. In Goh, T.T. (Ed.), Multiplatform e-learning systems and technologies: Mobile devices for ubiquitous ICT-based education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Metcalf, D., Hamilton, H. & Graffeo, C. (Eds.). (2009). Proceedings of the 8th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning (mLearn 2009). Orlando, FL: University of Central Florida Press.
Metcalf, D., Rogers, D., Brown, J., & Salas, E. (2008) “On-the-Spot Learning: Coming Soon to Your Location?” Ergonomics in Design: The Quarterly of Human Factors Applications.
Metcalf, D., Milrad, M., Cheek, D., Raasch, S., & Hamilton, A. (2008). My Sports Pulse: Increasing student interest in STEM disciplines through sports themes, games and mobile technologies. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on "Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies in Education (WMUTE 2008) ", held in Beijing, China, March 23-26, 2008.
Brown, J. Metcalf,D. Rogers, D (2008) “Location Based Learning.” Mobile 360 Report. ELearning Guild.
Metcalf, D. Rogers,D. (2008) “The Convergence of Mobile Technology & Clinical Research” ACRP Monitor (Association of Clinical Research Professionals) August 2008.
Brown, J. Metcalf,D. (2007) “Mobile Learning.” Mobile 360 Report. ELearning Guild.
Kepuska, Veton Z., Sabri Gurbuz, Walter Rodriguez, Stephen M. Fiore, Deborah Carstens, Patrick D. Converse, and David Metcalf. (2008). "UC: Ubiquitous Collaboration Platform for Multimodal Team Interaction Support." Journal of International Technology and Information Management, 17.3/4, 263-84.